Why does snoring affect sleep?
Snoring can not only bother you, but also your partner. It affects your own sleep and leaves you feeling tired during the day. Find out how you can reduce annoying snoring and thus contribute to a restful sleep for you and your loved ones.
What causes snoring and how does it affect sleep?
Snoring is caused by relaxed muscles in the throat during sleep. The tongue may fall back and the throat becomes narrow and soft. When you inhale, the walls of the throat vibrate, causing the characteristic sound. Age causes the throat muscles to relax more, which means older people snore more often. Being overweight can also lead to snoring because more fatty tissue accumulates in the neck area. The structure of your nose and throat, alcohol consumption, and even your sleeping position can also influence how badly you snore. Dry air, illnesses and allergies should also not be ignored. If you experience chronic snoring, it's important to see a doctor immediately to make sure you don't have obstructive sleep apnea or other health problems.
Natural home remedies for snoring
To reduce snoring, there are some simple home remedies you can try to ensure peace and quiet in the bedroom.
How does a humidifier improve indoor air and reduce snoring?
Air conditioning and heaters dry out the air in the room, which can irritate the sensitive tissues in the nose and throat. A cool humidifier will help increase the humidity in the room and make breathing through your nose more comfortable. You can add a few drops of essential oil to the humidifier for additional benefits. Peppermint, tea tree and eucalyptus oils naturally open the nasal passages and provide relief from snoring. And if you have a snoring dog, the humidifier will help him too!
How does a warm shower before bed help with nasal congestion and reduce snoring?
Taking a hot, steamy shower before bed can reduce nasal congestion and make breathing easier. Alternatively, you can inhale steam by placing a bowl of hot water on a table (add essential oil if necessary) and leaning over the bowl. Breathe deeply. You can place a towel over your head to create a tent effect that directs the steam toward your face. Give it at least 5 to 10 minutes to see results.
What are the benefits of Ayurvedic nose care and throat lubrication against snoring?
The Ayurvedic science of life, Ayurveda, recommends nourishing the nasal passage with sesame oil or ghee to reduce snoring. Ghee, also known as clarified butter, is used in many Ayurvedic recipes due to its medicinal properties. With clean hands, use your pinky finger to massage the inside of your nostrils with sesame oil or soft ghee. Alternately close one nostril and inhale the oil to further moisten the nasal cavity. Repeat this before bed and after waking up in the morning.
How do olive oil and honey have an anti-inflammatory effect against snoring?
Olive oil has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and can reduce swelling in the respiratory tract. It also relieves irritation and reduces the vibration in the throat that causes snoring. Take a shot glass full of olive oil just before bed.
Honey also has anti-inflammatory properties and coats the throat, reducing vibrations when snoring. Mix a teaspoon of honey in a cup of hot water or a cup of chamomile or ginger tea and drink between dinner and bedtime. Chamomile is known as a muscle and nerve relaxant and ensures comfortable sleep. Ginger has an antibacterial effect.
How important are peppermint and turmeric as natural herbs in reducing snoring?
Natural herbs can help prevent snoring and promote a restful night's sleep. Peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties that can open up the entire respiratory system. Add a drop or two of peppermint oil to a glass of warm water and gargle before bed.
Turmeric is a powerful antibiotic and antiseptic and is one of the best herbs for snoring. These properties are enhanced when turmeric is mixed with milk. This combination also strengthens the immune system! Mix two teaspoons of ground turmeric into a cup of hot milk to make "Golden Milk," an ancient Ayurvedic recipe as a natural way to reduce snoring. Drink this about half an hour before going to bed.
How does side sleeping reduce snoring?
Sleeping on your back can cause your tongue to fall into the back of your throat and block airflow, causing snoring. Instead, sleep on your side to reduce snoring. In this position the air can flow more easily, which makes it the best sleeping position to stop snoring. By the way: you Pillow can be your best friend or worst enemy. Make sure your Pillow The head and neck are optimally supported to ensure a healthy sleeping position.
Together for a restful sleep
By using these natural home remedies and being conscious of your sleeping position, you can reduce snoring and become one restful sleep contribute. Remember that the right mattress and pillow also play an important role in your sleeping comfort. At Gorilla Healthy we offer a wide range of high quality pillows and mattresses that are specifically designed to give you a healthy and deep sleep to enable. Discover our products today and invest in your sleep health!