10 Checkliste vor dem Kauf von Rollatoren

10 checklist before buying rollators


Rollators are an excellent mobility aid for people of all ages who need assistance walking or have balance problems. They provide support and stability when walking and make getting around easier and safer for those affected. However, choosing the right walker can be overwhelming with so many options available on the market. We have been selling rollators and advising customers who need a rollator for 10 years. Based on our experiences, we would like to give you ten checklists for buying a rollator.

Determine your needs

Before you buy a rollator, you should determine your needs. Consider your physical abilities, the locations where you will use the walker, and the activities you plan to perform with the walker. Knowing your needs will help you choose the right rollator.

Special rollator

For some people with Parkinson's disease who have problems with balance or difficulty walking, there is a specially designed walker. The Rollz Motion Rhythm helps you achieve a fluid walking rhythm through visible, audible and tactile stimuli. You can also use the signals to practice and learn to increase stride length and increase or slow down walking speed.

Or there are walkers that can easily be converted into a wheelchair. Rollz Motion Performance is one of them. This premium rollator and wheelchair give you more mobility.

Normal rollator

Otherwise, a normal rollator can be categorized as follows depending on your needs.

for indoor use: All rollators available on the market can be used in the home. But there are specifically for use in the apartment for example Saljol Page Living Room Rollator designed

for outdoor use: There are mainly three different types of rollators for use outside the home. If you want to use a walker in the city and sometimes in the park, the City Rollator could Saljol all-rounder rollator be a good choice. If you often need to transport the rollator by car, the very lightweight option, carbon rollator, may be suitable. The carbon rollators are also equipped with high-quality materials such as cork and leather Saljol Carbon Rollator. If you plan to hike off-road, the front wheel should be large. The Saljol off-roader rollator or a pneumatic tire Rollz Motion Performance can be a good choice.

Choose the right type

There are different types of rollators, e.g. B. four-wheeled, three-wheeled, arthritis rollators and bariatric XXL rollators. Each type has its own features and benefits. Choose the type that best suits your needs.

Four-wheeled walkers: Four-wheeled walkers are the most common type of walkers. They are equipped with four wheels and a frame that provides support and stability to the user. The front wheels swivel, making it easier to maneuver the rollator. Four-wheeled rollators are usually equipped with a seat, a backrest and a storage basket.


  • More stable than three-wheeled walkers
  • Provides more support and stability
  • Equipped with a seat, a backrest and a storage basket
  • Can be used both indoors and outdoors

Three-wheeled walkers: Tricycle rollators are equipped with three wheels. They are similar to four-wheel walkers, but have one less wheel on the front, making them lighter and easier to maneuver. They are narrower than four-wheel walkers, so they fit better indoors, but of course they are also less stable. The distance between the three wheels is much smaller than that between the four wheels. In addition, it is not specifically designed for indoor use, so unlike the Saljol Page that you offer, it does not fit very well into the apartment in terms of design.


  • Lightweight and easy to maneuver
  • Smaller and more compact than four-wheeled walkers
  • Ideal for indoor use

Arthritis Rollators: Arthritis rollators are designed for people with arthritis or other hand diseases. They are equipped with special handles that reduce strain on the hands and joints and make them more comfortable to use. Arthritis rollators typically come with a padded seat, backrest, and storage basket.


  • Special handles reduce the strain on the hands and joints
  • Equipped with a padded seat, backrest and storage basket
  • Ideal for those with arthritis or other hand problems

Bariatric rollators: Bariatric rollators are designed for people who are overweight or have greater resilience. They are designed with a sturdy frame, a wider seat and a higher load capacity of up to 200kg to provide additional support and stability. If you weigh more than 130 kg, you may need a doctor's prescription for an XXL rollator.


  • Equipped with a sturdy frame and a wider seat for taller people
  • Provides additional support and stability

Check the weight capacity

Make sure the walker you are considering can support your weight. The weight capacity of a rollator is usually between 125 and 150 kg. Choose a walker that can comfortably support your weight.

Range of carrying capacity: The weight capacity of rollators can vary from model to model. As a rule, the load capacity of rollators is between 125 and 150 kg. If you weigh more than 130kg, you should consider an XXL rollator, which has a higher load capacity of up to 200kg for overweight people.

Your weight: Before you buy a walker, you should definitely know your weight. Although the frame of the rollator can support your weight, the seat may not. Most foldable walkers have mesh seats. If you are relatively heavy and sit often, choose a model with a stable seat or a model that offers a fixed seat as an accessory.

Additional weight: It is also important to consider any additional weight that may be added to the walker. For example, if you want to transport items in the storage basket or use additional accessories, this additional weight must be taken into account. Typically, rollator baskets can hold up to 5 kg, but there are also specially designed rollators such as the Rollz Flex shopping rollator, which can be used to transport heavier objects. This can come in handy when shopping.

Take the height into account

Height of the handles: The rollator should be adjustable in height so that it fits your height. This is the case with most models on the market. It is important that you check the minimum and maximum height range of the rollator. Make sure the height of the handles is at the level of your wrist when standing upright to avoid bending or leaning forward.

Height of the seat: Unfortunately, the seat height usually cannot be adjusted. It should be determined before purchase. The seat height of the rollator should be higher than that of a chair. A rollator is not a chair. You do not sit on your rollator for long periods of time. The angle of the back of your knees should be approximately 100 - 120 degrees when you sit on the seat. This way you can stand up easily and safely. Normally we recommend the seat height of 50 - 54 cm for the customers under 165 cm and the seat height of 58 - 63 cm for the customers over 165 cm.

Check the seat and backrest

If you plan to use the rollator for a long period of time, you should choose a rollator with a comfortable seat and backrest. Look for a padded seat and backrest with a sturdy frame. As already mentioned, most rollators have mesh seats. This can break if used excessively. Therefore, it is important to choose a model with a padded seat like the one Rollz Motion Performance to choose or check whether the model has additional accessories for a secure fit. We have two models that offer a firm fit as additional accessories. Saljol all-rounder rollator and Saljol Carbon Rollator.

Check the folded size and weight

If you need to transport the rollator frequently, it is important that you check the size of the rollator when folded. Most walkers can be stored in the trunk or back seat of a car. If the rollator user does not have a companion who can help load the rollator into the car, the rollator should be very light. A carbon rollator could be a good option for transportation.

Pay attention to additional features and accessories

Some rollators have additional features such as a basket, tray or cup holder. This makes it easier to transport personal items such as drinks, snacks or medication. A suitable umbrella can be a good option for going outside in uncomfortable weather.

Unfortunately, it is not always easy to buy a suitable umbrella after purchasing it, as manufacturers do not really attach importance to the accessories. You may have to wait more than a month or two. This is because the version of the accessories does not fit all versions of the rollator model, manufacturers produce fewer accessories than predicted. We therefore recommend purchasing the rollator together with the right accessories. That's why we, Gorilla Health, offer a rollator and accessories together.

Read the reviews

Read reviews from other customers who have purchased the walker you are considering. Reviews can provide valuable information about the quality and performance of the product. Look for reviews that mention durability, ease of use, and comfort. However, please do not confuse product ratings with ratings of sellers and services. Some customers rate the product poorly because of the long delivery times.

Try out

If possible, you should try out the rollator before purchasing it. This will help you determine whether the rollator is comfortable and easy to use. Make sure the walker is easy to maneuver and the brakes are easy to use. So you can test out rollators that you like at a medical supply store near you. If your friend or neighbor has a nice walker, don't hesitate to ask if you can test the walker. Then you can order the rollator online. If you order a rollator from Gorilla Gesund, you will receive it the next day.

Choose the right seller to ensure the warranty

Most of the rollators mentioned come with a reasonable warranty period that protects your investment in case of any defects or problems with the product. But it is not always easy to get the guarantee. This is because manufacturers make the testing process complicated. The transport costs for the inspection are usually not covered, and the inspection also takes a very long time. If you don't have an alternative walker during this time, things can get complicated. Gorilla Gesund works very closely with the selected manufacturers and we take care of all the complicated communication with the manufacturers and provide you with comprehensive support in finding the right level.

In summary, purchasing a rollator requires careful consideration of your own needs and preferences. Follow these ten checklists to choose the right walker that will give you the support and stability you need to move around safely and comfortably.