Incontinence swimwear
Buy incontinence swimwear from Suprima discreetly online
People affected by incontinence or a stoma often feel that their leisure activities are impaired. For example, people avoid going to the swimming pool out of shame, even though they could greatly improve their mental and physical well-being. The incontinence swimwear has been specifically designed to enable people with urinary and fecal incontinence to visit swimming pools and aquatic therapy facilities. The Suprima swimsuit and swimming shorts are externally indistinguishable from typical swimwear. Additional protection is provided by an invisibly integrated safety brief, which is designed in terms of material and workmanship so that neither urine nor stool can get into the water. This means that the hygiene regulations for public swimming pools and similar facilities are met. The person affected by incontinence feels comfortable and can now enjoy a visit to the swimming pool without worry. Further information
What should you pay attention to when visiting a swimming pool if you have incontinence?
Basically everyone knows the problem of the urge to urinate as soon as you go into the water. The big difference is that people with incontinence have much more problems controlling the urge to urinate. But the movement while swimming is extremely helpful in training the weakened pelvic floor. However, before we go to the pool, let's do what we've taught our children before we get in the tub. Namely, going to the toilet. And we have already at least halved the risk. As safe clothing, you can choose from our range of safety briefs tailored to your specific needs, which you can wear under your conventional swimming trunks/swimsuit. The swimming trunks or swimsuits on offer are already equipped with this special safety briefs. You can also use a special absorbent pad. However, we advise against this as they would quickly become full of water due to their absorbency. In addition, your discretion is no longer guaranteed, as these can appear visually noticeable. Swimming briefs also do not offer 100% safety as they do not seal hermetically with the body. However, they really show their advantages, especially when it comes to fecal incontinence.
at the end
Don't push yourself into isolation. So there is absolutely no reason not to go to the swimming pool if you have urinary or fecal incontinence. On the contrary: visiting and exercising in the water is extremely beneficial from a health perspective and has a positive effect on weakened pelvic floor muscles.
Do you have anymore questions?
You can contact us at any time or now Incontinence Swimwear Buy cheaply and discreetly online from the expert Gorilla Health and get advice.