Saljol Rollator
Buy premium rollator from Saljol online
The Saljol company from near Munich is a young company that has set itself the task of analyzing existing development concepts and bringing them to perfection. In addition to various products, such as stand-up chairs and padding for wheelchairs, Saljol also produces a self-developed rollator.
Every day the number of people who rely on assistive devices increases. Such a break in life is often a huge upheaval for the individual. Everyday life has to be reorganized and family and friends also have to adapt to the new conditions. The Saljol company would like to counteract this development and offers you products that are not standard mass-produced goods.
Perfection can never be high enough, especially when it comes to assistive devices. This is reflected in almost every detail. Saljol products are not made from cheap materials. Special attention is always paid to quality and durability. The actual design and shapes of the assistive devices also illustrate Saljol's claim to produce better assistive devices. It's about the self-determination and dignity of future users. You should be able to continue to enjoy and take advantage of life to the fullest.
With a Saljol product you do not receive run-of-the-mill goods. The love and respect we feel for our parents and grandparents generation should be manifested in the quality and safety of Saljol products. Saljol is helped by years of experience in the industry and a diverse network of contacts, here in Germany and internationally. It is not for nothing that the motto and promise is: “Always keep going.”
You can find the Saljol “Page” in our Gorilla Healthy online shop. This is a very special piece of German manufacturing art and stands out from the monotony of the competition at first glance. It is a so-called indoor rollator. Below we would like to take a closer look at this rollator category and then introduce the “Page” to you in more detail.
Features of an indoor rollator
Our customers are often surprised and amazed when they discover that there is not just one standard rollator. In our online shop we offer you various rollator categories.
Lightweight rollators The name alone makes it clear which properties are particularly taken into account here. In this category, special attention is paid to the weight of the rollator in order to make navigation and driving as energy-saving as possible. These rollators can be used indoors and outdoors as desired. Lightweight rollators are often recommended for active and traveling users.
Outdoor walkers in turn are specifically designed for use in external areas. Every design decision illustrates the manufacturer's claim to make the rollator all-terrain and weatherproof. In this category you will often find significantly more robust rollators. The bikes are larger and more stable and they often have features such as pockets and seats that can directly support the user on the tour. In general, outdoor rollators are really robust and functional walking aids.
The Saljol Page However, it falls into the category of indoor rollators. These rollators are designed entirely for use indoors and are therefore constructed and designed completely differently. Of course, indoor rollators should have the same safety features that you can find with any other rollator, but using them in an apartment has a completely different requirement than using them off-road or on a footpath. Interiors usually offer less space to navigate, but you can usually quickly find a seat or something similar to rest somewhere.
Indoor walkers are usually much more compact, making them easier to drive through an apartment. The rollators can usually simply be turned on the spot and require hardly any space to turn; a massive advantage in tight indoor spaces. In addition, there are often storage areas on the rollator, such as a tray. For example, dishes or a telephone can be placed there. Important items are always within reach.
An indoor rollator offers the user functionality and safety within their own four walls. They are compact and specialized in the area of application. Users who usually only travel at home can count on the features of an indoor rollator. This is how you regain your freedom and mobility, all in the smallest of spaces.
Now that we have clarified what an indoor rollator is, we can take a closer look at the Saljol Page, because it embodies the concept of the indoor rollator almost perfectly.
Saljol Living Room Rollator Page
The Saljol Page revolutionizes the existing concept of the indoor rollator. Instead of relying on the well-known forms and ideas, the developer has taken on the challenge posed by interior spaces. The result is a new and modern rollator that is a rollator, but doesn't look like one. On the contrary, the elegant black design and wooden accessories make the Page look not like a walking aid, but rather like a piece of furniture that fits organically into the home. Of course, you don't have to do without the usual features of a rollator. The Saljol Page offers the user the best possible stability and security.
As an indoor rollator, the page has to fulfill an important function. Since there is often only little space available for navigation, the page must have a particularly small turning circle. Thanks to the Saljol's wheels, which can be swiveled in all directions, the rollator can be easily rotated 360° on the spot. The times of offense are over. This feature allows you to avoid unsightly scratches and holes, both on the page and on the furniture.
Thanks to the open and resilient frame, the page can also be pushed close to objects, for example a sink. In general, you can always rely on the Saljol Page framework. This can withstand a weight of 150 kilograms. Together with the seat accessory, you can also sit comfortably and take a break if you wish. All you have to do is lock the brakes and the page becomes a practical seat. In contrast to many conventional rollators, the Page's brakes run completely inside the frame. This means there is no risk of the brake cables getting caught somewhere.
In general, the Saljol Page can be upgraded with some accessories. So you can expand the page with the seat part already mentioned. In addition to the seat, a tray is also available. You can easily place a few items there and transport them safely. Your phone or some dishes are safe on the tray. As a very special feature, Saljol offers you a carrying basket. Like all of the Pagen's accessories, this basket is made of real wood or natural materials. This basket can be attached firmly to the frame of the rollator and therefore transports your everyday items safely and easily. With just a few simple steps you can have a book stowed away or medication at hand.
The Saljol Page is a very special piece of modern rollator development. In the area of indoor rollators and in general, the design is unparalleled. With the Page you receive an innovative product straight from home. Both experienced rollator users and newcomers to this field will be impressed by the features of the Page. This indoor rollator fits seamlessly into the everyday look of your home and supports you on your way. You are always safe and comfortable while traveling. The Saljol Page is perfection in the details.
Advice – Which rollator is right for me?
The Gorilla Gesund online shop offers you various rollators and categories. As an inexperienced user, you can quickly lose track of things. In general, you should choose your rollator to suit your own life situation.
An active user who likes to be outside or travel should definitely take a look at the outdoor rollator category. Here you will find robust and functional rollators to support you on your tour. With the accessories we offer here in the shop, you can upgrade your rollator even further and prepare it for almost any situation imaginable.
Do you like things light? Would you like to save your energy when traveling with a walker? Then lightweight rollators are just right for you. Using modern materials, the weight has been reduced, sometimes by up to 50% compared to a normal rollator. These variants can of course also be expanded.
We would like to recommend indoor rollators to anyone who would like an indoor walking aid. These rollators can be used at home or in museums. In any case, you will receive security and stability in everyday life. A rollator helps you actively prevent injuries. With a small turning circle and practical features such as carrying bags, indoor rollators are perfect for navigating around tables and cupboards and taking load off your shoulders.
Buying a rollator should not be rushed. Take the time to research the features that a particular product, like the Saljol Page, can offer you. The Gorilla Gesund online shop is an excellent point of contact for new and experienced users. If you have any questions, you can simply contact our team of advisors. Our team is specially trained and can work with you to select and equip the perfect everyday companion. Simply pick up the phone (Tel: 03641 2277 449). You will reach one of our advisors immediately. We look forward to your call!
Do you have anymore questions? You can contact us at any time or now you can Saljol Rollator Buy cheaply and safely from the expert, Gorilla Healthy.
Visit our Rollatorpage to find other types of rollators.