Gute Gründe für den Rollator - Gorilla Gesund

Good reasons for the rollator


Mobility is the most important prerequisite for being able to maintain an independent lifestyle well into old age. Most older people do this very well these days - more than 90 percent of people over 65 live in their own four walls and look after themselves in largely good health. But what if it becomes more and more difficult to leave the house Meeting friends or running errands? Then it's good to know that there are useful everyday helpers that you can rely on. This is such a support in the truest sense of the word Rollator, which within just a few years has evolved from a stigmatizing “vintage car” into an indispensable vehicle(s).

Erhard Hackler, 
Managing board of the German Senior League e.V.:
"A Rollator not only provides support and security, but also gives people with limited mobility a bit of freedom. If you have difficulty seeing, put on glasses - if you are not good at walking, you should also use a walker. My tip: Pay attention to quality when buying a rollator – for more safety and joy of life!”
There are currently almost two million rollators in Germany - another 500,000 are sold every year. The reasons for this boom are obvious: against the background of demographic change, there are more and more older people who have... Rollator take advantage of this and drive forward the image change in terms of numbers alone. In addition, the rolling walking aid has been continuously developed in recent years - not least thanks to optical and technical innovations from some manufacturers who have taken up and implemented their customers' wishes for safety, comfort and a more modern design. The Rollator has arrived in society and has gained a permanent place in the street scene!
Source: German Senior League e.V.
             A safe mobile support with a rollator
Deutsche Seniorenliga e.V.