Ein Erholsamer Mittagsschlaf: 7 Tipps für Mehr Energie und Gesundheit

Restful afternoon nap: 7 tips for energy and health


The Truth About Napping: More Than Just a Short Nap

The Art of Napping: When, How and Why

A nap every now and then can work wonders - but there's more to this short nap than you might think. Thomas Edison, the American inventor behind numerous innovations including the practical light bulb, knew this all too well. He valued the power of a well-timed nap so much that he installed nap loungers throughout his home and laboratory to recharge when needed. Other greats of history, such as painter Leonardo da Vinci, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former First Lady of the United States Eleanor Roosevelt, have also highlighted the benefits of naps.

Here are some key insights from Gorilla Healthy about napping:

Hier sind einige wichtige Erkenntnisse von Gorilla Gesund über das Nickerchen:

Are you a fan of afternoon naps?

When it comes to naps, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Some people are natural nap advocates, while others prefer not to nap. Much of this preference could be due to genetic factors. People who enjoy naps usually fall asleep quickly, but not particularly deeply. After about 20 minutes, they wake up on their own and feel refreshed. Some nap advocates say they need this time and aren't as productive without it. On the other hand, “non-nap nappers” sleep more deeply during naps. They usually need an alarm clock to wake up and when they wake up they feel groggy. The nap significantly affects their productivity. So, are you taking the plunge into the realm of napping? To nap or not to nap, that is the question!

The danger of insomnia

Do you increasingly need sleep during the day? This could be a sign of an impending health problem. Studies have linked regular afternoon naps to increased health risks, including cardiovascular disease. Being tired all the time during the day can be a sign of depression. In such cases, daytime sleepiness is a symptom of an underlying problem. Sleep is not the cause of the problem, although napping can worsen depression if it affects you. Consult your doctor to determine the cause of this fatigue.

The pitfalls of cat naps

There are some disadvantages to napping. While a short nap usually doesn't interfere with nighttime sleep, a longer nap or frequent naps can make it harder to sleep at night. If you already suffer from insomnia or poor sleep quality, napping could actually make the problem worse. The "sleep feeling" occurs when you feel disoriented or groggy after a nap. It may take a while to recover from this condition and may cause you to lose valuable work time.

Some people feel uncomfortable sleeping on a comfortable, supportive mattress anywhere other than the privacy of their own bedroom. But when you try to sleep during work hours, napping on the sofa or chair is often unavoidable. Instead of taking a nap, try getting some exercise. Take a walk in the fresh air, get some sunlight and see if that doesn't give you a boost of energy. This will help you sleep better in the evening when it's time to go to bed.

7 Tips for the Perfect Nap

When and how is it best to take a nap? Here are 7 tips from Gorilla Healthy:

  1. Napping for colds: If you are sick or feel like you are getting sick, be sure to take a nap. Sleep is good medicine! Your body needs extra rest to recover during this time.

  2. Keep the nap between 15 and 40 minutes: Research presented at the American College of Cardiology conference shows a link between naps longer than 40 minutes and health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndromes such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

  3. Master the power nap: If you work a double shift or during a period of time that interferes with your regular sleep, consider taking a short nap during a break to maintain your energy and concentration.

  4. Use naps as a replacement for caffeine: If you often reach for coffee, caffeinated beverages, or energy drinks during the day, consider taking a nap instead. Naps are far more effective and long-lasting in terms of increasing energy. In addition, eating and drinking foods containing caffeine during the day affects sleep at night.

  5. Enjoy a breezy nap: Taking a nap on a plane can help you adjust to different time zones. Plus, navigating airports can be stressful, so taking a little nap can help you relax. Make sure your neck is supported so you don't wake up with tense muscles. Of course, it's much easier to sleep lying down, so don't forget yours neck pillowif you want to sleep on the plane.

  6. Consider a nap room: When you work from home, it's easy to find a place to nap. If you have your own office with a lockable door, napping shouldn't be a problem. Some companies, including Zappos and Google, now offer their employees "nap rooms" where they can take short naps during breaks. If you are not in this position, it can be challenging to find a place where you can fall asleep in peace and with the privacy you need. Use earplugs and sleep masks to make it easier to fall asleep.

  7. Try meditation: Meditation has many of the same benefits as a nap, and you don't have to lie down! Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and relax your muscles. Allow thoughts to come and go without holding on to them. If you fall asleep, that's okay: you probably really needed it.


A well-rested day begins at night

A nap can help you get through the day with a smile, but don't neglect the sleep that really matters - the 7-8 hours you should spend in your bed at night. If you're tired in the early afternoon, you may not get the sleep you need at night. Set yourself up for success – make sure your sleep environment helps you get a good night's sleep throughout the night.

Your way to a restful afternoon nap

A short one Nap can improve your productivity and health, but requires a certain level of mindfulness. Be careful to choose the right nap length and not to take it too often so as not to jeopardize your nightly sleep. Remember that naps are not a replacement for the essential 7-8 hours of sleep at night. Gorilla Healthy recommends that you reap the benefits of a nap, but not neglect the sleep you get at night. Your well-being depends on a balanced sleep routine that includes both afternoon naps and nighttime sleep.

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