Wie man ein Schlafkissen verwendet, um Schnarchen zu lindern

Sleeping pillow against snoring: tips for use


How to Use a Sleeping Pillow to Relieve Snoring

Snoring is a common problem that affects many people. It can be disruptive not only for the snorer themselves, but also for their partner in bed. Fortunately, there are many ways to relieve snoring, including using special sleeping pillows. In this article, you'll learn how to use a sleeping pillow to relieve snoring.

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How do sleeping pillows work against snoring?

Anti-snoring sleeping pillows are designed to hold the head and neck in a specific position to improve airflow and reduce or even prevent snoring. When we sleep, our muscles relax, including those in our neck and throat area. This relaxation can cause the airways to become blocked and we start to snore.

A sleep pillow can help by keeping the head and neck in an elevated position to keep the airway open and improve airflow. There are also special pillows designed to improve jaw position and reduce snoring.

What types of sleeping pillows are there to prevent snoring?

There are different types of anti-snoring sleeping pillows on the market, including:

  • Wedge pillows: These pillows have a slanted shape that keeps the head and neck in an elevated position. This improves airflow and reduces snoring.

  • neck pillow: These pillows have a special shape that holds the neck in a specific position to keep the airway open. They are particularly suitable for people who sleep on their backs.

  • Anti-snoring pillows: These pillows are specially designed for people who sleep on their backs and snore. They have a special shape that improves jaw position and reduces snoring.

How to use a sleeping pillow for snoring

If you want to use a sleeping pillow for snoring, there are some tips you should keep in mind:

  1. Choose the right pillow: Depending on sleeping position Different types of sleeping pillows may be suitable for individual needs. It is important to choose the right pillow for your needs.

  2. Position the pillow correctly: Make sure the pillow is positioned correctly and holds the head and neck in the correct position. For example, a wedge pillow should be positioned so that the head and neck are in an elevated position.

  3. Try different pillows: It may take a few tries to find the right pillow for you. Try different types of pillows to see which work best for you.

  4. Sleep on your back: An anti-snoring pillow is most effective when you sleep on your back.

If you typically sleep on your side, it may be more difficult to keep the pillow in the correct position, but it is still possible to reduce snoring.

Use the pillow regularly: It may take some time before you notice the full effect of the anti-snoring sleeping pillow. Therefore, use it regularly to get the best possible results.

Other tips to reduce snoring

In addition to using a sleeping pillow, there are other steps you can take to reduce snoring. Here are some more tips:

  1. Sleep on your side: If you normally sleep on your back and snore, sleeping on your side can help reduce snoring. You can place a pillow between your knees to support the position.

  2. Weight loss: If you are overweight, losing weight can help reduce snoring.

  3. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes: Alcohol and cigarettes can make snoring worse. So avoid them, especially before bed.

  4. Treat allergic reactions: Allergies can cause the airways to become blocked and make snoring worse. If you suffer from allergic reactions, talk to your doctor about how to treat them.

  5. Treat sleep apnea: If snoring is severe and accompanied by sleep apnea, you should be evaluated by a doctor and receive appropriate treatment.


The use of one sleeping pillow anti-snoring can be an effective way to reduce or even prevent snoring. There are different types of anti-snoring sleeping pillows on the market, including wedge pillows, neck pillows, and anti-snoring pillows. It's important to choose the right pillow for your needs and use it regularly to get the best possible results. If snoring is severe or accompanied by sleep apnea, you should be evaluated by a doctor and receive appropriate treatment.

Gorilla Gesund

Neck pillow

with TENCEL® Lyocell fibers