Warum Menschen Kissen benutzen, Tiere aber nicht

Why people use pillows but animals don't


Why people use pillows but animals don't: The science behind them explains

Have you ever wondered why people use pillows to sleep but animals don't? The answer lies in the unique structure of the human spine.

The reason we need pillows is because when we lie down, the human cervical spine curves into a C shape to support the head. However, when we lie flat and have no support, the neck area gets stuck in the air and puts strain on the neck muscles and bones. This can cause pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders.

To prevent this strain, people use pillows to close the gap between the neck and the lying surface. A pillow supports the neck in a natural curve so that it can rest comfortably and support the head and shoulders. By providing this support, the pillow reduces pressure on the neck and promotes better spinal alignment.

In contrast, animals do not need pillows to sleep comfortably. Unlike humans, animals have a horizontal spine, i.e. H. her neck is in a straight line with the rest of her body. Additionally, many animals have special adaptations that allow them to sleep comfortably in different positions, such as: E.g. curled up, lying on your side or even upside down.

Overall, the need for pillows only exists in humans due to the C-shaped curvature of the cervical spine. By supporting the neck and shoulders, pillows contribute to a better sleeping position and reduce the risk of neck and shoulder problems. While animals don't need pillows to sleep comfortably, they do have their own adaptations that allow them to sleep comfortably in different positions. So next time you snuggle up with your favorite pillow, remember that it's not just a luxury, but a necessity for a healthy spine and a good night's sleep.

Which pillow is the best for a restful night's sleep?

In addition to the need for pillows for sleeping, there are also different types of pillows that are suitable for different sleeping positions and preferences. Choosing the right pillow can make a big difference in promoting good sleep position and quality.

For those who like to sleep on their back, a thin pillow is best for keeping the neck in a natural curve and supporting the head and shoulders. If you like to sleep on your side, you should choose a higher pillow to close the gap between your neck and the mattress and keep your head in a straight line with your spine. If you sleep on your stomach, it's best not to use a pillow at all or to use a very flat pillow so as not to overstretch your neck.

There are also special pillows that are aimed at specific sleep problems. For example, people who suffer from snoring can benefit from a special anti-snoring pillow that keeps the neck in an optimal position to reduce snoring.

Other factors such as the material and firmness of the pillow can also have a major impact on the quality of sleep. Some prefer a softer pillow, others a firmer one. It is important to choose a pillow that is comfortable, supportive, and meets the sleeper's individual needs.

Ultimately, the best pillow for a good night's sleep is the one that fits your sleeping position, body, and preferences. If you have difficulties, the right one Pillow To find it, it may be helpful to seek advice from a professional like Gorilla Healthy 🦍 or try different options to achieve the best result.

Gorilla Gesund

Neck pillow

with TENCEL® Lyocell fibers